Yes, It Does Take a Village – My Figure Skating Journey, Part 2

With my coach Paula McKinley after competing in the Dogwood Open in Raleigh this past June.

With my coach Paula McKinley after competing in the Dogwood Open in Raleigh this past June.

This blog entry contains many links worth exploring as well as an announcement at the bottom about my next public skating appearance.

Like last year, once again I am going to earmark December as my month for writing a few more personal blog entries. Last December, I wrote about “Finding a New Passion at 59” about starting my journey to become a competitive adult figure skater. I do want to share some progress as well as some learning points.

Things are progressing along fine, and my goal is to qualify to skate in US Adult Nationals in April, 2017 when it is held for the first time in my home state of North Carolina. I will need to train rigorously and pass four different skating skills tests in front of a set of official US Figure Skating judges. And I owe a lot of my progress thus far to both a series of helpful individuals as well as a community of supportive people. Yes, it does often indeed take a village to accomplish a personal goal; I could not have gotten as far as I have without teaching, coaching, support and inspiration from others.

On the individual side, I need to thank my coach Paula McKinley. She has been extraordinarily patient with me starting with my first tentative steps of the slippery ice to progressing through various skill levels. She insists on proper technique from the start so I do not develop bad habits, and she employs the perfect mix of correction and praise. When I do something incorrectly, Paula does have me do it over and over again until I get it right, and will often demonstrate for me my incorrect skating in an exaggerated style, which of course horrifies me but also causes me to smile. And when I train hard between lessons and then demonstrate that I have indeed learned what she has taught, she is quick to give me praise and a hug. Finding a great coach who meshes with your own style and requirements is indeed critical.

I also appreciate the physical support and assistance from my off-ice flexibility coach Eileen Juric (who is nationally known ballet and dance instructor), my physical therapist Caitlyn Espy of the Trinity Wellness Center, and my massage therapist Dennie Michele from Massage Envy at North Hills (Raleigh.)

Again in 2015 I am inspired at the Dorothy Hamill Adult Fantasy Figure Skating Camp

Again in 2015 I am inspired at the Dorothy Hamill Adult Fantasy Figure Skating Camp

In addition to these individuals, I have been inspired by a host of encouraging groups. I am cheered on by the members of the Central Carolina Skating Club of Hillsborough, NC where I am coached and also the friends from the Skating Club of North Carolina, as well as at the Raleigh IcePlex and the Polar Ice House of Garner where I regularly practice. And for the past two years, I have attended the Dorothy Hamill Adult Fantasy Figure Skating Camp in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dorothy Hamill and her coaching team are fantastic with inspiring and teaching each camper, and we become a family encouraging and supporting each other.

In addition I appreciate local friends and family, many Facebook friends who are very supportive and the US Adult Competitive Figure Skaters Facebook group with its excellent conversations and advice.

Yes, I have learned that achieving a goal does take hard work, but is so much easier and enjoyable with individual and team support – it does indeed take a village, or should I even say an extended supportive global community!

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NOTE: My next skating exhibition will be at the Raleigh Iceplex, 2601 Raleigh Blvd in Raleigh, NC, Friday December 11 at 6:30PM. Admission is free!

Recognizing the Value of Outstanding Coaches

In the month of December, I have decided to write from more of a personal perspective rather than about my normal topics of diversity and career development. In this blog, I want to recognize the recent tremendous impact of some outstanding coaches in different areas of my life.

A good coach instructs, prompts and inspires people to achieve significant goals

A good coach instructs, prompts and inspires people to achieve significant goals

What is a coach? Instead of quoting Webster’s dictionary, I want to offer my own definition. To me, a coach is someone who instructs, prompts and inspires a person to achieve aggressive results and maximize accomplishments in a targeted area.

During my long career, I had some great managers, mentors and sponsors, but it has only been in the past few years where I am understood the role and value of engaging various people in the true role of a coach. Let me discuss four coaches who have greatly assisted me in achieving goals in the areas of business, sports and personal health and well-being.

BUSINESS: I have actually had two coaches, with two very different personalities and styles, to assist me in starting Total Engagement Consulting by Kimer after my 31-year IBM career. Initially upon retiring from IBM, Right Management provided me with vocational transition coach Vickie Bevenour of RDW – Results Driven from Within. She inspired me with her own example of leaving corporate America to successfully forge her path as an entrepreneur. She was a tough coach who taught me that discipline and planning were key to starting and running a business. She gives her students rigorous homework assignments so we uncover the steps we need to take to succeed, but also provides warmth and encouragement that inspires.

People most often think of coaches in the realm of sports, but coaches can also work in areas of business, financial, dating, retirement planning and general life management

People most often think of coaches in the realm of sports, but coaches can also work in areas of business, financial, dating, retirement planning and general life management

I later transitioned to a second coach, Nancy Heller currently with Right Management, who has a soft-spoken almost laid back style. She has a creative mind and she frequently challenges me to look at business issues in different ways to find innovative solutions I would not have noticed without her coaching. And like Vickie, she always offers an encouraging word which inspires me to work harder. The mix of two different style coaches in the business area I believe led to the best possible results!

SPORTS: Five months ago I decided to move from being a spectator to a participant in a sport I really enjoy – figure skating. I sought a coach who was willing to take on a relatively old adult starting with no experience. My skating coach is Paula McKinley of the Central Carolina Skating Club in Hillsborough, NC. She has patiently worked with me from my first shaky steps on the ice to teach me correct form and basics, and she skillfully deduced how fast to push me so I could grow and achieve without being discouraged. Because of her, I have developed the basic skills and gained confidence on the ice and now discovered I love skating with a new-found exciting passion that has even surprised myself! I am having the time of my life – look for more about my skating journey in my next blog titled “Finding and Pursuing a New Passion!”

HEALTH AND WELL-BEING: Because of hunching over a computer for hours at end year after year at work, I have developed some physical issues in my shoulders and upper arms. My physician referred me to physical therapy with the Trinity Wellness Center in Raleigh. I view my outstanding and cheerful physical therapist Caitlin Espy as more than a physical therapist; I recently told her that I consider her as more of a health and strength coach! She has been so helpful is helping me understand that physical therapy is a process where things improve over a longer period of time with diligence and exercise … it’s not like taking a pill where a medical issue is gone in day or two. She assigns me a few new and increasingly difficult exercises each session, along with cheerful encouragement, resulting in increasing upper body strength and mobility.

So … thank you Vickie, Helen, Paula and Caitlin – my life is so enriched in many aspects through these four wonderful coaches!