In my discussions with these leaders, they often shared a vision of Kenya as a country seeking to become “the shining star of sub-Sahara Africa” with a growing modern economy. They have the natural resources, the international standing and the educated leaders to move them in that direction. Yet in my opinion, that will not happen unless some severe issues are addressed.
Even as I had this blog outlined and on the drawing boards earlier this summer, President Obama in his trip to Kenya in July broached some of these same issues. (see link at bottom.) Will the leaders of Kenya listen with open minds and take the right actions to move Kenya forward, or will they continue to deny the problems, stick their heads in the sand, relegating Kenya to being a second class nation?
The two major issues are corruption / nepotism and discrimination / inequality.
1) Corruption and nepotism. In my travels across Kenya, I saw many examples of leaders trying to secure money for projects to benefit their communities and tribes to the detriment of the rest of the country, or even worse, siphoning off significant funds for personal use. Enlighted national leaders need to rise to the occasion of providing ethical leadership that moves the entire nation of Kenya forward. For example, Kenyan leaders need to address the totally inadequate (and in my opinion disgraceful) Nairobi airport. Dirty, hot, inefficient (one customs agent on a recent trip took over 20 minutes to process each single person) and with no internet connection, the airport is not appropriate for a country trying to become a global modern travel and commerce hub.
2) Discrimination and Inequality. First, many Kenyan leaders relegate an entire half of their population (women) to second class citizenry while the rest of the world understands the great resourcefulness of women and fully empowers them to help lead their national economies. Some ancient traditions like forced marriages and genital mutilation (and see video link below) hold Kenya back as a tribal country instead of a modern nation. And second, many older Kenyans in power continue to demonize their LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) citizens, virtually making them unemployable and unable to contribute to their national economy.
I realize this blog may anger many Kenyans, but I earnestly implore Kenyan leaders to take a deep fresh look at what kind of ethical and open-minded leadership they need to provide to lead Kenya in becoming a 21st century leader on the African continent. My truest hope is that this country will use its vast natural resources and 100% of its talented population to become Africa’s shining star.
Associated Press article on President Obama’s trip to Kenya in July: “Obama: Kenya is at a Crossroads.”
My blog about how demonizing people hurts a country’s economy,“The Macroeconomics of Gay Bullying.”
A recent superb video from Global Roots (a non-profit partner in Kenya) on the female mutilation issue and an innovative troupe of young woman performing to raise awareness.