Having retired from IBM in March, I no longer have the time pressures of a demanding full time job. I have more flexibility to manage my time including the mix of working in my own consulting practice, traveling and volunteering to make the world a better place.
To me, one of my core values is to try to make the world a better place. I am excited that in December I have been given two great opportunities for that. First, I was elected President of the North Carolina Council of Churches, an organization of 18 denominations and several independent churches working to build unity and provide a safe space for dialogue across North Carolina, and to impact the lives of all North Carolinians through putting our faith into positive social justice actions. Here are articles from our local press and from the AP (Associated Press.)
Second, I was appointed by the Raleigh City Council to Raleigh’s Human Relations Commission, which is an advisory board appointed by the City Council to serve as an advocate for all people, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, economic status or age in pursuit of human and economic relationships. The Commission promotes activities, education and programs that enhance human dignity, equal opportunity, mutual respect and harmony among Raleigh citizens. Link.
Finally, in addition to community service within North Carolina, I have started the funding for the non-profit Global Roots to build a vocational training school, the Kimer-Kamba Vocational School, in Mtito Andei, one of the most impoverished cities in Kenya. You can read about it on this site: Africa Center.
A recent AARP magazine featured an article about the increasing number of American “baby-boomers” who are retiring from their first careers and ready and able to volunteer in community organizations as well as providing a well-trained motivated part time work force. As for me, I am looking to do both; serving in various organizations included those detailed above, and starting my own consulting practice where I aspire to make some extra income while providing valuable services for companies and organizations.
Photo: My partner Rich Roark interacting with the children at a school in Mtito Andei, Kenya