Good Leaders Lead with Open Minds – a Harris / Trump Example

I have written several blogs about various attributes of good leadership, and in this blog I want to explore leading with an open mind and contrast US Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Interestingly enough, I almost think of Kamala Harris being sort of a Princess Leia (aka General Leia Organa) and Trump as Kylo Ren, the evil love child of Leia and Hans Solo. Do check out my 2016 blog, “Leadership Lessons from Star Wars – The Force Awakens.”

The best leaders are open to listening and considering ideas from many diverse sources to arrive at the best solutions, whereas poor leaders have a “NIH – Not Invented Here” attitude. “If the idea is not mine, then it is not worth considering. Everything has to come from me.”

So what are two examples from Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?

Starting with Trump: when the Republicans and Democrats in the US Senate worked together to pass the bipartisan Immigration Reform bill to address immigration issues and border security by a 68 – 32 vote, Trump killed it. The bill, mainly developed by Sens. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma), Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona), and Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), represented the most significant changes to immigration policy in thirty years, reimagining the asylum process and the ways border officials deal with migrants requesting humanitarian protection.

Donald Trump, instead of supporting a positive bill agreed to across both political parties, directed his allies in the US House of Representatives to vote it down since a positive step for our country would hurt his election chances. Trump would only support his own drastic measures like continuing to build a costly and ineffective border wall and deporting millions of immigrants. Any idea that is not Trump’s personally is not worth considering.

The best leaders consider ideas and input from multiple diverse sources,

Now let’s look at Kamala Harris’ approach. A few months ago, Donald Trump floated the idea of not taxing tips of service industry workers. Instead of an attitude of opposing the idea since it was not hers, Harris supported the idea and pledged to do likewise. Of course, Trump complained that “Kamala stole his idea,” but my view is that a great leader embraces all good ideas no matter where they come from.

Instead of opposing or discarding ideas that are not their own, enlightened leaders listen to all input from multiple sources and arrive at conclusions that come from the collective minds of a large diverse group instead of just their own limited thinking.

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Blog author Stan Kimer is a DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging) consultant and trainer who also focuses on inclusive leadership.  In addition, I have dynamic transwoman Deanna Jones on my team who is a fantastic key note speaker discussing her journey being her authentic self.  Please be in touch to book Deanna or myself.



My Meeting with US Cabinet Member Labor Secretary Thomas Perez

This blog is loaded with links to useful resources – please explore and use them (bold underlined)

US Labor Secretary Thomas Perez (right) making a point in the meeting coordinated by Center for Faith-Based Partnerships Rev. Phil Tom (left)

US Labor Secretary Thomas Perez (right) making a point in the meeting coordinated by Center for Faith-Based Partnerships Rev. Phil Tom (left)

On Tuesday, September 16th, I had the special privilege of representing the North Carolina Council of Churches in a meeting of 13 American “faith leaders” with the United States Labor Secretary Thomas Perez.

The meeting, coordinated by the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, was to discuss what the US government administration and Department of Labor are doing to protect workers and provide greater economic opportunities for all. This was my first time meeting with someone so senior level in the US government. And I also viewed the discussion through my lens of being a diversity and career management consultant.

I was extremely impressed with Secretary Perez’s heartfelt commitment to addressing poverty and increasing job opportunities in the USA. And he listened with deep intent to all the participants and demonstrated he heard all of our comments when he synthesized the key issues we discussed.

I shared that the NC Council of Churches has a long history of advocating for social justice including economic justice. My points:
• We have provided educational materials and advocacy around “living wage” since minimum wage is far below what people, especially working single parents, need to live.
• That we tie economic discussions to racial justice since it is minorities that are often the hardest hit with economic difficulties
• That given that NC has a large agricultural economic component, I detailed the various projects we have done around farm workers and immigrant rights.
I also noted that I was elected NC Council of Churches President as an out gay man, that the LGBT community often suffers economic hardship and workplace discrimination in states that do not offer legal protection, and that there are a huge number of people of faith who believe LGBT protections are the right thing to do.

Blog author Stan Kimer (background) listens as Rev Sekinah Hamlin (foreground), another NC Council of Churches former President and now with the Ecumenical Poverty Initiative, shares some points.

Blog author Stan Kimer (background) listens as Rev Sekinah Hamlin (foreground), another NC Council of Churches former President and now with the Ecumenical Poverty Initiative, shares some points.

Secretary Perez listened intently and took a lot of notes as each of the 13 faith leaders spoke. He consolidated all that he heard and offered the following summary remarks: (a few of these items are from his opening remarks too)
• It is important to provide vocation training for inmates nearing the end of their sentences, providing them a second chance and assisting them of becoming productive members of society instead of returning to prison
• We need to increasing opportunities for women, noting that the USA is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not legislate paid leave for new mothers. In addition, lack of subsidized child care for low income working mothers often force them to make hard choices.
• Need to continue to work on raising minimum wage (link to a blog by meeting attendee Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block) to provide a living income
• Faith organizations can start “job clubs” for helpful networking and leverage the 2500 American Job Centers across the country. Some of these are even located in prison locations to assist with re-entry.
• There are grants available to faith organizations to assist with skills development, inmate re-entry programs, etc.
• One important role of faith groups are to be a voice for those with no voice and those unable to speak out
• He does understand the LGBT employment issue and supports having a national ENDA (Employment non-discrimination act.) Protection for LGBT people based upon what state they live in is not fair.
• Immigration reform has a strong impact on economic issues, and is one area that all faith groups from conservative to progressive support.

In closing, Secretary Perez asked that we do not leave the meeting as pessimists, that the facts are on our side and we can continue to work for positive progression in these issues. Civil rights is about persistence and we need to diligently persist in these areas. And he expressed deep gratitude for all our work.

In mid-October, I will write a follow on blog to discuss the unfortunate growing culture of poverty in the United States, and what business leaders can do to address it.