Your (Pride) flag decal won’t get you into heaven.

Corporations flying the Pride Flag without taking meaningful action is nothing more than an empty gesture.

Total Engagement Consulting’s second LGBTQ Pride Month blog has been provided by my new associate Deanna Jones.  Link to our first Pride Month blog, “LGBTQ+ Pride Month Blog 2023 – Fighting the Increasing Hate.”

Some of you recognize the title of this song (with a little editing) as a John Prine masterpiece. Link to John Prine’s song on Youtube. We lost John a few years ago due to covid but I am reminded of this sentiment recently with the amount of rainbow washing that is really starting to kick into gear for Pride Month. According to the Urban dictionary, rainbow washing is when a business uses the rainbow Pride colors on advertising, apparel, accessories, and yes, flag decals to indicate progressive support for LGBTQ equality. Mostly it is performative in nature and does nothing to provide tangible results for the community.

We see a lot of this rainbow washing today. While Trans-rights have been trampled throughout our country, major corporations have been mostly silent. In 2016 our state (NC) faced a large corporate backlash and lost billions after passing a so-called “bathroom bill” (HB2) that banned transgender people from using bathrooms aligning with their gender identity. In 2023 we have seen a large influx of anti-trans bills that attempt to eliminate medical care for young people and in some cases, adult medical care. Bathroom bans are getting passed, parental rights are being taken away and this time, nearly every corporation has been very quiet.

Corporations, with their immense influence and resources, have the power to make a substantial impact on social and political issues. Why are corporations remaining silent on anti-trans bills? One reason is their perception that they will face retaliation for speaking out. Governor DeSantis went after Disney when the company came out against the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in Florida (see my earlier blog.) The Governor is proud of this fact stating directly to the Disney Corporation, “It’s not going to work out well for you” and “I’m going to punch back”. This puerile threat has been carried out swiftly by the Governor. He has tried to tax them more, remove their autonomy and even suggested building a prison next to the park.

This map shows in darker red colors states now proposing or passing anti-Trans legislation.

In this current hate filled environment created by the right-wing agenda in conservative governments, corporations are facing backlash from a small minority of anti LGBTQ customers. These allegedly aggrieved customers seek to puff themselves up and claim they represent the majority with their outsized reactions which they most certainly do not. Witness some of the inflammatory videos posted by anti-LGBTQ forces on the right.

The corporations that tried to be inclusive such Anheuser-Busch and Target have faced this backlash and appear to immediately be cowed and afraid of these repercussions from the select few consumers who react violently. This is a huge miscalculation for them. Their cowed responses have done nothing but alienate larger groups of consumers, especially younger and more diverse populations. According to a 2021 Gallup poll, 20% of people in Generation Z identify as gay, transgender, or bisexual. This is in comparison to 3% of the Baby Boomers.

A report released last December from GLAAD and the Edelman Trust Institute found that if a brand publicly supports and demonstrates a commitment to expand and protect LGBTQ rights, Americans are twice as likely to buy and use the brand. Millennials and Generation Z are 5.5 more likely to want to work at a company that supports and demonstrates a commitment to protecting LGBTQ+ rights. I believe we are clearly at the beginning of a monumental shift in attitudes and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ population. Over 20% of Generation Z identifies with the community. Where will your company be when these employees and consumers have the largest share of purchasing dollars? Does your company now wave a Pride Flag while simultaneously acquiescing to the anti LGBTQ mob? I certainly hope not.

LGBTQ+ Pride Month Blog 2023 – Fighting the Increasing Hate

Even though I did not find Pride items in my local Walmart, I could order them and get them delivered there.

Every June, LGBTQ+ Pride Month is now celebrated worldwide, commemorating the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion which is often considered the beginning of the modern LGBTQ-rights movement. So much progress has been made in the ensuing decades since 1969 with many more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people being able to live out and proud lives.

There are still many places around the world, particularly in Asia and Africa where LGBTQ people are severely persecuted, and now in the United States there is a mounting of outward hate, violence and discrimination of LGBTQ+ people, often led by political leaders trying to divide Americans against each other for political gain and power.

On May 24, I read this disturbing news piece from Associated Press titled “Target pulls some LGBTQ+ merchandise from stores ahead of June Pride month after threats to workers.” The article begins, “Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ+ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride month, after an intense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers.”

One of the cute Pride Month books Walmart is selling

Many other companies (like Walmart) support LGBTQ+Pride month with merchandise.  Walmart is now under this same anti-LGBTQ hateful pressure and it looks like they hopefully will not retreat like Target.

Other sad news I have been recently frequently reading about is the cancellation of various planned events featuring drag queens because of violent threats. In some state legislatures, politicians are attempting to outlaw drag performances while doing nothing to address our national pandemic of thousands of citizens dying due to gun violence.

This news disgusts me and demands a call to action.

First, these hateful bigots who accost store employees over Walmart’s or Target’s merchandise should be arrested for assault. If someone does not like certain merchandise, they don’t need to buy it or they can choose to patronize another store.

Second, LGBTQ people and allies should support WalMart for carrying the Pride merchandise, patronize the store, and thank Walmart employees and managers for carrying this merchandise.

Republicans in the North Carolina legislature are proposing laws to outlaw public drag queen performances

Third, people need to outwardly condemn all forms of anti-queer hate and bigotry. That includes not voting nor supporting any political candidate who backs or supports any of the slew of anti-LGBTQ legislation currently working its way through many state legislatures.

Major corporations also need to take a stand and strongly condemn all forms of LGBTQ+ hate and oppression. You cannot claim to be ally of the LGBTQ community if you either support these hateful political leaders or fail to speak out to condemn anti-LGBTQ oppression. Silence in these matters make you complicit in this nastiness.