Are all your employees fully engaged in career and skills development and do they feel fully supported by their management team?
Do you need to develop a more scientific and rigorous approach to career road mapping that provides a stronger construct for employee development?
Are there specific areas in your enterprise where you need assistance with education or training development and delivery?
Are there particular segments of your population where there is concern about career opportunities or where you are experiencing too a high of attrition?
TOTAL ENGAGEMENT with employees through career road mapping and skills development
Full utilization and retention of human resources is one the most strategic areas that companies need to improve. This will include providing employees a clear picture of rewarding career paths that can be built within the corporation or within an operating unit. Can employees see career progression of current successful employees in the enterprise and then connect the dots to see how these examples apply to them? Are they then afforded the encouragement, career planning and skills building activities to grow their careers? This unique and innovative approach to build career roadmaps within your enterprise will fully engage your employees by both making them more skilled and valuable within the corporation as well as keeping them vital, enthused and wanting to stay within the company or a profession.
Link here to an online article about the Total Engagement Career Mapping Process including a sample career map.